October 26, 2008

Courtesy of the Fabulous C.L. Dodgeson, aka Lewis Carroll

An illustration from the 1864 manuscript of 'Alice's Adventures Under Ground' (the very first Alice book).

Agnes Grace Weld, taken 1857. I LOVE this photo.

Mary Millais, 1865.

I used these images in some art for Kathryn's Soul Journal Blog Party. A most fabulously, fun spooky time. Please come and visit my blog HERE to see how I interpreted them. Lewis Carroll was a fantastic dreamer and whimsy maker but I don't think I would have left him alone with my children.


  1. WOnderful clip art. Thanks for sharing!! HAppy Halloween!

  2. I stumbled upon your site...and am so glad I did. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful images with us.

  3. i love all of the imagery on your site!


  4. Beautiful images here. Thank you for sharing them.

  5. these images are so lovely...thanks so much for sharing

  6. I love the spooky sad girl dressed like Little Red Riding Hood. I had seen this before and could not remember where. I want her in a frame on my Halloween mantle. Thanks for sharing. Kathy
