October 23, 2008

Don't Count Your Eggs..

A sheet from a 1898 Home Accounting Ledger.


  1. I love this!! Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love it too !
    Funny to see what special papers they made ! Maybe i print one to fill in how many eggs MY chickens provide me with !!

    greetings from belgium

    PS : thanks for sharing !

  3. Just discovered your blog (via artsy mama's autumn gathering)...thansk so much for your generosity & time in sharing these images w/ us!

  4. I do not know where I've been! Just finding your lovely blog(s) today....it never ceases to amaze me how one click can lead to another...and another...such a lot of fun. Your images are fantastic, thank you SO very much for sharing :) I have added you to my Magpie's Nest blogroll! oxo

  5. I discovered your wonderful blog through Dawn and The Feathered Nest. Thank you for so generously sharing these images. I love this one!

  6. I used your lovely ledger sheet to create a digital art featuring one of my hens. You may view it at http://angelandspot.blogspot.com/2009/02/using-image-from-vintage-moth.html

    Thank You for offering such lovely images.
