November 29, 2008

Classic Style

Hope that everyone had a lovely holiday! I am so thankful for all of you who stop by. Enjoy! I try to respond to comments but it is getting hard to find the time. I do love reading them though and it nice to know that you enjoy and use the images! I will of course continue to post images and I hope that you continue to grab them and run!


  1. I'd be more than happy to do a little clicking for such a good cause!
    I really love the images you have up today! Beautiful!

  2. I love your blog. I just found you today, and I have added you to my google reader and my blogroll. I hope you plan to continue. This is truly beautiful!

  3. I shall be clicking away. Thank you for your blog and the wonderful images!

  4. I am a great lil clicker-would love too! Thank you for your wonderful site -I really enjoy all of the art!
    Hope your Thanksgiving weekend was a wonderful one!
    ~Tam :D

  5. Thanks for the helpful comments you left on my blog. I'll be happy to click away on some ads.

  6. This is a lovely idea, I will do some clicking, and thank you so much for sharing the vintage clip art with us. There are a few free ones on my Creative Spirit blog too if you would like them :)
    I am going to add your logo over there now too.


  7. Definitely, what a fantastic website and revealing posts, I definitely will bookmark your site.Have an awsome day!

    Click here to chceck my blog :: 오피사이트
