November 20, 2008

A mouse, a nightingale and a unicorn...


  1. I just wanted to tell you thank you for sharing so many things from your collection! I just love this site and look forward to the new "bits" you put up each day.

    Tra la!

    Kathy in Chicago

  2. Thanks so much for your generosity!

  3. Any ones with a J ???
    I love these ones but would like one for my sons room. His name is Joe.
    I love your blog!

  4. I just discovered your site after you posted on Gutter Girlz! I'm sure Rachel, our head GG, would be fine with you posting our linkie, but I'll make sure she knows of you asking! LOVE your images!!!!
    Gutter Girlz

  5. What a coincidence! Yesterday when I was at a local movie theatre, I was suddenly mortified to see a mouse staring at me eye level from the empty seat next to me. Boy, was I shocked! Enough so that I jumped up and out of the aisle. Darling daughter thought the mouse was so cute, but I much prefer the lovely mouse awaiting me this morning on your blog. Thanks for posting your lovely images.

  6. Those are very nice. You are welcome to pop over to my blog, too, and grab the ones I put on yesterday. I sneaked into my dh's books! Karen

  7. I just discovered your site and did a little happy dance. Thanks for sharing your love of vintage! I put your button and a little blurb on my blog. Love your stuff! Keep it coming.
