January 14, 2009


The Vintage Moth was featured on Today's Creative Blog yesterday!! How cool is that?? Kim runs just about the most fabulous blog out there, highlighting blogs where creativity rules! You can also take a peekie at her personal blog, another lover-ly place to visit! Thank you Kim!

The above photo I took myself. You have my permission to use it in your art! :) I just love old buildings! This one is especially fun due to the door that goes to nowhere. Sometimes I feel like that. That the way out of certain situations is very uncomfortable and dangerous! Dream like, I thought perhaps it might inspire some creative thinking! You can see how I used the image here.




  1. How cool!!! Love the photo and especially love what you did with it! Wow!

  2. Love that picture Abbie! I had a similar one taken in Fulton County, PA where my mother grew up. I used it in a creative writing class and wrote a ghost story about the door to nowhere ;-0

    Ahhhh, great minds work alike hehehe

  3. This is a very cool picture. I see Jason coming out of there to wave hello. If I was proficient in photo shop I would put someone scary up in that door. This looks like the barn I used to have to stand by to wait for the bus to go to school when I was little. Spooky.

  4. I found you through the creative blog...I love your blog..it's great!
    -sandy toe

  5. I am thinking if I had to stand next to a building like this to ride the bus, I might not have made it to school. It is a little spooky. Be curious to learn its story / history. It is a cool looking building.

  6. Your digital journal pages are breathtaking. I haven't seen anything quite like them and as I look at them I realize I wouldn't even know where to begin if I were to try to do that myself. ~I've always had this tendency to 'take things apart' with my eyes to see how they are fashioned but that's a different area for me and looks fascinating.

  7. Awesome photo! Thanks for letting us incorporate into our own art.

  8. CONGRATULATIONS, Abbie! I went to Kim's blog & it is quite lovely.
    Also, thanks so much for the wonderful picture. Hugs, Diane

  9. Abbie, your digital creation is wonderful. Thanks for allowing us to use in our work.

  10. And well deserved, is your being featured!

    Yes, old buildings are so interesting. One wishes they could hear the whole history, of such places. By tapping on a wall, or something... :-)

    Aunt Amelia
    "Love is what you've been through with somebody." ~James Thurber

  11. Yours has become one of my favorite blogs. Your freebies are glorious and "This Old House" has some stories to tell doesn't she?

    Well done and thank you!

  12. Sooo Coool Abbie! Congrats on that! No surprise to me I love your blogs-you are a very inspiring artist and I always look forward to visiting!
    ~Tam :D

  13. I LOVE your blog. I have a ?- How do you print the images? I see a few that I would like to frame-is there anyway to make them bigger? Is there special paper to use? Do you print them or have someone else do it? Sorry for the 20 questions!!!

  14. I just found your blog and I will be back often. Love what you did with the barn,I see so much talent in your picture. Thanks for sharing your ideas and pictures with us.
    Sharon K

  15. Wonderful photo, I love photos of old doors so I´m def taking this, thank again for this and for all pretty images :)

  16. I'm in awe... 'scuse me while I go grab my bib before continuing on....

  17. Abbie,

    Thank you for your BLOG...It is beautiful! I will be back.

