January 10, 2009

Mish Mash


  1. Thanks so much, Abbie. Wishing you all the best in 2009.

  2. i want to follow your blog but there doesn't seem to be a way to do so. the link isn't there. let me know when it is. thanks

  3. Hello Abbie, I just found you and love your free images. I have a free images blog too and when i saw yours i thought yayyyyy i can get some lovely images to play with from someone else in my art work lol. I think its lovely when we share our resources and help each other create art.
    Thanks again i will enjoy visiting
    Hugs June x

  4. I is so beautiful - so many nice things to use :) Thank you! I grabbed your badge - and it is now at my blog. I'll visit you "evry day" from now :) Hanne

  5. Just found this blog! Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful images!!
