January 6, 2009

My Fair Ladies


  1. Love those butterflys! Thank you!
    Hope you had a good day!

  2. Just want to thank you and say how you are appreciated for all you do. You touching people that you prob will never meet, but they know you and thank you. God bless you sweet lady.

  3. Hi there!!! I love your blog and I just wanted to let you know that I posted a card today using one of your images!!! THANK YOU!!!


  4. Hi there, just wanna thank you for sharing so many lovely pictures that are great for altered arts & card making. Will drop by more often :)

  5. Thank you for a lovely breath of Spring-to-come.

    Aunt Amelia
    "It is a delicious moment, certainly, that of being well nestled in bed and feeling that you shall drop gently to sleep" ~~Leigh Hunt

  6. thanks for your generosity! bless you.

  7. how pretty! I am hoping to frame some of the botanical prints for my living room. Thank you for sharing!

  8. The butterflies are so lovely and cheerful. Hope kindles for warm sunshine and flowers after the ton of snow.

    Despite the flooding, my spirits are lifted as I watch it all melting away in record time.

    thanks for the lovelies, Abbie!

  9. beautiful images! Like Dawn, at The Feathered Nest, your goodness will return to you tenfold. Thank you for bringing such sights to those of you that are creatively challenged!

  10. Hi

    Many thanks for dropping by my blog and THANK YOU for sharing your beautiful creations they are stunning

    Wishing you a healthy, humerous, and creative 2009


  11. Love the butterflies and irises.
    Thanks for posting.

  12. Just had to pop by to say thanks for the butterfly images (and the alphabets background) you can see what I did with them here
