November 2, 2008

Busy Bee..

Yes, we are under construction. The images wil keep comin' but you never know what you find in the backdrop.. right now there's nothin'!

I have been a busy bee lately, but will hopefully have some more images for you tomorrow or Tuesday! The center image (Awake) is courtesy of Dawn over at the The Feathered Nest. Be sure to stop by here place.. she offers up goodies all the time!


The Feathered Nest said...

Thank you sweet girl!! I snagged the other images as I love the bees too! hope you have a wonderful week Abbie, xxoo, Dawn

Anonymous said...

found your site through another... don't you love how blog-land works!?!

Great collection - I shall return!

Michelle Brown
Melbourne Australia

Kathryn Costa said...

The bee is a new favorite of mine. I am a busy bee for sure!

I'm getting my files back. $$ mistake. In the meantime I'm pulling together an initial blurb portfolio book.

Today was a great day. Things are turning around and I'm getting so many items checked off my list and resolving stuff from last week.

Thanks again for the fabulous images. You are so dear.

Cottage Rose said...

Oh Abbie
I love all your images! Divine!

Karen Salva said...

Hi there! I am late at getting to you but want you to know I am featuring you in my "bee Spotting" post...any minute now! You have a fabulous collection here and a big heart for sharing it all!

Unknown said...

thank you for these! i am going to snap a few up most likely for my bee themed blog, :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, these are nice!

Scrumptious said...

Thank you so much for all the wonderful images. I used the bottom bee image here: